
Gender-focussed survey products that make it easier for you to measure your impact on women.
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60dB Gender Toolkit

Learn if and how your product or service impacts women using gender-focussed metrics like agency over financial decisions and management, influence in household decision-making, respect in the household and/or community, choice and control
over one’s actions and more.

60dB Gender Experience Score

We created this score to provide insight into the experiences of men and women. This score is calculated using five of our 60 Decibels Core Indicators, to systematically understand if men and women experience a product or service similarly, or if either group has a more positive/negative experience.

Sector Highlights

“I am a single parent and have to deal with everything by myself. This loan helped me to start my own work at home and earn for my family.”

Female, 36 (Pakistan)

“The course introduced me to many business-related concepts I felt I needed to learn. Thanks to that, I know more about business and feel more confident.”

Female, 36 (Vietnam)

“Their help has made us get more yield than we used to get from farming. I am able to take good care of my children without needing to solely depend on my husband.”

Female, 25 (Ghana)

“Some girls from my community got inspired and took a job in my factory when they saw my progress at work.”

Female, 32 (Bangladesh)

“We can live a new life because now we can build a new home, cover the household expenses and keep up with the household consumptions.”

Female, 28 (Ethiopia)

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