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Gender Dynamics of VBA Impact in Burkina Faso & Nigeria

Supporting AGRA’s Village Based Agents (VBAs) program, the Impacting Gender & Nutrition through Innovative Technical Exchange in Agriculture (IGNITE) project conducted a series of studies led by 60dB to understand the success of VBAs.

Across Africa, smallholder farmers form the backbone of countless communities, producing crops and contributing to their local economies. To thrive, however, they need access to support, guidance, and resources. This is where the role of Village Based Agents (VBAs) becomes pivotal. AGRA, an organization striving to build a sustainable agricultural economy in Africa, partners with various institutions on the continent to identify and train VBAs to provide advice, resources, and market connections to small-scale producers—thereby bridging the extension gap while ensuring access to critical services.  

Supporting AGRA’s VBA program, the Impacting Gender & Nutrition through Innovative Technical Exchange in Agriculture (IGNITE) project conducted a series of studies led by 60 Decibels (60dB) to understand VBA impact. (IGNITE, a program implemented by Tanager, Laterite, and 60 Decibels, is a technical assistance mechanism designed to identify models that demonstrate ways of increasing both the equitable consumption of affordable, nutritious diets year-round and empowering women in agriculture).  The surveys specifically analyzed the distinct experiences of male and female farmers to unpack how organizations can continue to empower women to thrive in the agriculture sector.  

To learn about each study and their key takeaways, as well as download the full report, click below to read the full blog on our partner’s website.

Read the full blog

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