add_filter( 'simpay_get_customer_args_from_payment_form_request', function( $customer_args, $form, $deprecated, $form_values ) { $exempt = isset( $form_values['simpay_field']['Tax Exempt'] ); if ( $exempt ) { $customer_args['tax_exempt'] = 'exempt'; } return $customer_args; }, 10, 4 );

Climate Resilience Assessment

Measure your impact on household resilience. Collect actionable insights and learn how farmers are experiencing climate shocks.
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Why build a Climate Resilience Assessment?

The Climate Resilience Assessment is a standardised and simple methodology for measuring impacts on household resilience to climate shocks.

Finance for climate adaptation in emerging markets is 5-10x below what is needed, and the gap is widening. One barrier to financing adaption has been the absence of clear metrics – how do investors know if they’ve built resilience?

At 60dB, we believe there is a lean way to measure resilience. For the last decade, our team has continuously tested ways to get climate-conscious investors relevant, affordable, and data-driven insights. Through focusing on things that social enterprises can actually impact, we give sector leaders – from bilateral donors to country governments – the data they need.

Our past work with the UN, published here, did just that; we evaluated the preemptive measures UN agencies took to prepare the Somalians for a long drought. Our lean resilience measurement strategy focuses on measuring impact—or changes to resilience—rather than diagnosing a household’s vulnerability to shocks. By developing standardized metrics, we’ve created a tool that can be used across different households, farming communities, and non-agricultural households, providing actionable insights to better improve their climate resilience.

A Solution for Measuring Climate Resilience
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Product features

Talk to us about the Climate Resilience Assessment if:

  • You run a program to improve smallholder farmer wellbeing
  • You want to demonstrate your impact on climate resilience
  • You want to learn about how households experience climate shocks
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