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ALIVE Ventures 2023 Impact Report

ALIVE Ventures shares their 2023 Impact Report, featuring detailed case studies, results from first-of-a-kind research reports on gender-smart business practices, a spotlight on Education & Pathways to Quality Jobs investments, impact data from 60dB, and much more.

ALIVE is an impact fund manager that aims to address the most pressing needs facing low-income communities across Latin America. To date, they have impacted more than 10 million people, of which 28% were living in poverty and 52% were from vulnerable communities. Few other impact funds are reaching underserved communities in this way.


Lives impacted




Active portfolio companies

ALIVE’s Investment Themes

Education & Pathways to Quality Jobs

Companies that provide vulnerable communities with high quality, cost effective and pertinent education and training, and connect them with the formal job market.

Sustainable Income Generation Opportunities

Companies that provide services which allow SMEs and small-scale entrepreneurs (including farmers) to thrive.

Access to Critical Goods & Services

Companies that provide vulnerable communities with critical goods and services, such as access to energy, telecommunications and access to health.

Solutions for Climate Resilience & Mitigation

Companies that provide vulnerable communities with ways to mitigate climate change and/or improve their ability to prepare for, recover from, and adapt to climate related risks.

ALIVE’s guiding principles

  • ALIVE places impact at centerstage, measuring impact using a data driven approach to not only count lives but more importantly to understand how lives are being impacted.
  • ALIVE incorporates gender lens investing every step of the way, from origination to post-investment management.
  • ALIVE has built a climate smart investment approach to help mitigate climate change and help low-income communities become more resilient to climate change.
  • ALIVE seeks to grow the impact investing space in Latin America by collaborating and sharing knowledge broadly.
  • And finally, but equally important, ALIVE seeks to provide attractive risk-adjusted returns to its investors.
Explore the full report
ALIVE 2023 Impact Report

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