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ALIVE 2022 Impact Report

ALIVE Ventures shares their 2022 impact report, centered on 60dB data collection

ALIVE, Acumen LATAM Impact Ventures, aims to address the most pressing needs facing low-income communities across Latin America.

ALIVE’s impact strategy:

  • Place impact at centerstage, measuring impact using a data-driven approach to understand how beneficiaries are being impacted, particularly low-income communities across Latin America.
  • Incorporate gender lens investing every step of the way, from origination to post-investment management.
  • Define success by both financial performance and how well the investments improve outcomes for target beneficiaries.

ALIVE’s investment themes:

  • Education & pathways to quality jobs
  • Sustainable income generation opportunities
  • Critical products & services for low-income communities


total lives impacted


portfolio company employees


Company beneficiaries living in poverty
Download the report
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To read about ALIVE’s Gender Lens approach, unpack their portfolio performance, and dive into company snapshots, check out the report below.

To check out ALIVE Impact and 60dB’s past work diving into LATAM social impact, click here.

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