Fibrazo Impact Report
Fibrazo is an internet service provider that builds and operates fiber optic infrastructure to provide high-speed internet access in underserved urban and rural areas across Latin America. Founded in 2020, the company focuses on bridging the digital divide by offering reliable and scalable internet connectivity to communities that traditional providers often overlook.
Fibrazo employs a customer-centric, pay-as-you-go model, allowing users to pay for internet service on a daily basis without long-term contracts, making it accessible and affordable for low-income households. The company has successfully connected neighborhoods in cities like Cartagena and Barranquilla in Colombia, as well as various areas in Argentina, enabling many families to access quality internet for the first time.
In June 2024, we spoke to 276 of their clients to better understand their experience with Fibrazo, including how satisfied they are and impact could be improved. Here’s what we found:
Top Insights
Fibrazo’s accessible price is the main motivation for clients to purchase this broadband service
Half of clients report price as the main motivation to purchase Fibrazo’s broadband service. This is followed by the stability of connection (32%) and the speed (31%). Over 8 in 10 Fibrazo clients consider that the value for money for the service they get is good. Females are more likely to consider so than males (87% vs. 80%). 54% would feel ‘very disappointed’ if they could no longer use their Fibrazo service.
Fibrazo is providing a unique service to a relatively underserved community
Nearly 8 in 10 clients cannot easily find a good alternative to Fibrazo. Females and those living in ‘Perimetral’ are less likely to find an alternative. This positions Fibrazo in the Top 20% of our LatAm Benchmark. In addition, 9 in 10 clients report Fibrazo is less expensive than its alternatives. High-usage clients are more likely to consider it as ‘much less expensive’ than low-usage clients (37% vs. 27%).
Fibrazo is having a significant impact on its clients’ quality of life and their ability to adapt to extreme weather events
More than 9 in 10 clients report that their quality of life has improved because of Fibrazo’s broadband service,positioning Fibrazo in the Top 20% of our LatAm Benchmark. This improvement is mainly driven by increased educational support (56%) and increased entertainment options (41%). 7 in 10 report their ability to adapt to extreme weather events has improved because of their relationship with Fibrazo. The top drivers include improved connection stability (35%) and access to weather updates (15%).
Fibrazo clients are very satisfied with the broadband service they are getting
Fibrazo has a Net Promoter Score – a common gauge of satisfaction and loyalty – of 90, which is excellent and among the highest in our LatAm Benchmark. The top satisfaction drivers include the quality of the service (46%) and the reliable connectivity (43%). However, there is still room for improvement as 28% of clients report experiencing a challenge with the service. The top reported challenges are service interruptions (9%) and an unstable connection (7%).
Consider how the most common challenges can be avoided in the future
28% of clients report experiencing a challenge with the service. The most common ones include service interruptions, an unstable connection and slow speed. Clients who have experienced challenges report lower levels of satisfaction with Fibrazo than those who have not experienced any challenge (NPS of 78 vs. 95). Is Fibrazo troubleshooting how to address these common challenges? This will further increase increase further clients’ satisfaction.
Share these positive results with your community
The impact Fibrazo is generating, as well as the levels of satisfaction are great results and speak to the operation and business model. You can share this information with current and potential clients, funders, and partners to increase business growth and impact. Spread the word as much as you can.