60 Decibels Financial Inclusion Benchmarks
We’re proud to launch the 60dB Financial Inclusion Benchmarks – a free interactive tool for financial organisations to see how they compare against the social performance of 134 companies, across 45 countries, via feedback from 58,167 customers.
Where does the data from the Financial Inclusion Benchmarks come from?
The Benchmarks are the result of our ongoing work delivering Lean Data projects around the world. By asking the same questions across multiple projects, we are able to develop benchmarks.
These Benchmarks are the median performance of all our projects in financial inclusion. Going a step further, quintiles give insight into the range of performance.
We can turn this into actionable recommendations by identifying what practices, business models, and more, the highest-performing companies employ.
The data within the Benchmarks is updated on a quarterly basis.
What kinds of companies are included in the Financial Inclusion Benchmarks?
Our Financial Inclusion Benchmarks include companies and organizations providing financial services like lending, insurance, savings and payments, financial management & education tools, and innovative financial access solutions–either in-person or digitally–to clients from the past 3 years.
Check out the ‘Who’s Included’ tab for a list of all companies whose performance data is included in the benchmarks.
What kind of info can be found in the Financial Inclusion Benchmarks?
We’ve grouped the data into different categories so that you can find a view that best suits your needs. You can filter by region & gender, explore who is in the Benchmarks, and hover over elements of the charts – we’ve put indicator definitions, minimum and maximum values, quintile values, and other information there for you too. Have a go and let us know what you think!
The Overview tab provides financial inclusion benchmarks in profile, experience, business impact, and household impact. All benchmarks can be filtered by region.
The FI Indicators tab provides benchmarks in client protection, financial resilience, and agency.
The By Gender and By Region tabs provide visualizations for each impact metric, segmented by either gender or region.
These Benchmarks are the median performance of all our projects within financial inclusion. Going a step further, quintiles give insight into the range of performance. We can turn this into actionable recommendations by identifying what practices, business models, and more, the highest-performing companies employ.
Want to dig deeper into how your organization compares to the sector, by completing a 60dB impact measurement project?