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Nate Thadani

Nate is a Senior Associate based in 60 Decibles’ San Francisco office. Before joining 60 Decibels, Nate held a number of roles in impact measurement and market research, including working for Kiva and a macroeconomic research and consultancy firm. He managed research projects that evaluated economic development and investment competitiveness in Côte d’Ivoire, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, […]

Nate is a Senior Associate based in 60 Decibles’ San Francisco office. Before joining 60 Decibels, Nate held a number of roles in impact measurement and market research, including working for Kiva and a macroeconomic research and consultancy firm. He managed research projects that evaluated economic development and investment competitiveness in Côte d’Ivoire, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Jordan, and Morocco. Nate graduated from the University of California, Davis with degrees in International Relations and French. Nate by the numbers – countries lived in: 10, dogs: 2, ethnicities : 3, # of Reese’s PB cups eaten: too many to admit.

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