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The Case For Remote Data Collection

Here are a few myths and truths about the ability to gather representative, quality insights by speaking directly to end-customers on the phone.

We are often asked about the differences between remote versus in-person data collection. The data speaks for itself – remote surveying provides a cost-effective, high speed alternative to in-person data collection without sacrificing the quality and rigor of the research!

Below are 3 myths about remote data collection that we discuss in our report, and a quick snapshot of why they are false.

Myth #1: Data tends to be less accurate when gathered remotely

False! A study conducted in 2016 published by the World Bank found in-person and phone responses were aligned and accurate. The respondents, owners of microenterprises did not change their behavior based on the medium.

Myth #2: Remote survey methods are just as costly as in-person

False! The same study cited above demonstrates significant cost savings when opting for remote data collection methods.

Myth #3: Research using remote data collection can’t be published as academic, peer-reviewed studies

False! A study published by Science Advances in February 2021 – Falling Living Standards during the COVID-19 Crisis: Quantitative evidence from nine developing countries relied on remote data collection.

To learn more about the validity of remote data collection, including a case study, click on the link below to read the report.

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