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MiracleFeet in India, Tanzania and the Philippines

MiracleFeet is on a mission to change the lives of children affected by clubfoot through low-cost, nonsurgical care in low-income countries.

The Challenge

MiracleFeet came to 60 Decibels to understand how well they were fulfilling their mission and whether they were building sustainable local treatment capacity.


of guardians said their child’s quality of life has improved due to the treatment.


of local providers said their ability to treat clubfoot has significantly improved.


was the Net Promoter Score from families and healthcare providers

The Solution

We spoke to 470 guardians of children treated by MiracleFeet’s network of partners in India, Tanzania and the Philippines and asked about children’s ability to engage in activities, their satisfaction with the treatment and more.

We also spoke to 70 healthcare providers in 17 countries who work for MiracleFeet’s partner organizations and asked about whether MiracleFeet is building partner and provider capacity to treat clubfoot, their satisfaction with MiracleFeet and more.

“He can walk by himself now and he refused for us to hold him. We can leave him at home now and he can move around.”

– Father, Liberia

The Impact

MiracleFeet was able to validate their model and impact on children’s lives. 

  • 98% of guardians said their child’s quality of life has improved due to the treatment.
  • 82% of local providers said their ability to treat clubfoot has significantly improved.
  • 83 was the Net Promoter Score from families and healthcare providers
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