Upaya Social Ventures Dignified Jobs Collaborative Report
This report provides aggregate insights from the Dignified Jobs Collaborative. The Dignified Jobs Collaborative is an initiative by Upaya Social Ventures, bringing together impact investors in emerging markets to engage in transparent inquiry across themes of workforce development, dignity, and quality in jobs, thereby leading the movement of investors’ accountability for impact transparency.
These insights are based on phone interviews with jobholders who work with the seven participating companies of the DJC – Essmart, Frontier Markets, Greenworms, Just Organik, Oorja, Project Hero, and ReCircle. A total of 989 phone interviews were conducted with jobholders in India. These interviews were conducted by 60dB trained researchers. We really enjoyed hearing from these jobholders, here’s what they had to say.
Top insights from the report
Over 8 in 10 jobholders report improvements in their way of doing work because of their current job.
Nearly 9 in 10 jobholders report increased confidence. Half ‘strongly agree’ to having the right level of autonomy at work.
Over 6 in 10 jobholders report increased income. A greater proportion now earns INR 25-35k than before.
“[I] find this work to be a meaningful one because this gives [me] the opportunity to serve rural communities with better quality products, better offers, and reasonable pricing.”
Male, Essmart