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Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) Lean Data Insights

We've partnered with AECF since 2021 to gain a deeper understanding of how increased access to energy and adaptation technologies affects households’ quality of life, SMEs’ productivity, and creates new opportunities in rural economies.

Despite recent progress and development in the renewable energy sector, energy access challenges persist globally with over 625 million people lacking access to electricity and an additional 2.1 billion people lacking access to clean cooking.

Since 2017, AECF (Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund) has been deploying challenge led investment funds, technical assistance, energy and advisory service facilities to support inclusive businesses promoting adaptation and mitigation solutions for low income, underserved and rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa.

In 2021, AECF partnered with 60 Decibels, to conduct Lean Data studies with end consumers to gain a deeper understanding of how increased access to energy and adaptation technologies affects households’ quality of life, SMEs’ productivity, and creates new opportunities in rural economies.

This report includes data from 15 Lean Data studies commissioned by AECF, plus the results of Lean Data studies funded by other partners with 10 AECF investees. Using the 60dB Energy Benchmarks, we are able to look at their performance relative to their peers in the sector and share actionable insights on what they can do to celebrate their impact and how they can serve their customers better.


accessing product/service for the first time


Net Promoter Score


with improved quality of life

Key portfolio performance insights

Companies are providing products or services that most customers did not have access to before

81% of customer are accessing products and services through AECF portfolio companies for the first time, in particular urban customers. 70% of customers could not easily find a good alternative to their product or service.

Companies have contributed to improved quality of life for customers

Impact performance is strong across the AECF portfolio companies we worked with, in particular for quality of life. 94% of customers say their energy product or service has improved their quality of life.

The average portfolio Net Promoter Score® of 65 is very good

The average NPS® across the AECF portfolio companies we worked with, is higher than the 60dB Energy Benchmarks (65 vs 50).

Download the full report
AECF Lean Data Insights

“Now we have access to a reliable source of light which has enhanced our security at night.”

– Female, 35

“I love how the [product] has reduced time in the kitchen as it cooks food relatively fast. ”

– Female, 36

“Charging phones is easier and faster with good and stable voltage. ”

– Male, 30

“Since I got this [product], I have been able to save more than before. This is due to reduced expenses on cooking fuel.”

– Male

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