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Elucid Impact Report

60 Decibels spoke with 275 of Elucid's beneficiaries to understand their experience with the service. Here's what they had to say.

By implementing health care projects in agricultural and mining value chains, Elucid improves the health and livelihoods of small-scale producers, making supply chains more resilient and sustainable. 60 Decibels spoke with 275 of their beneficiaries in Ghana for a detailed impact evaluation, and the results speak for themselves.


quality of life ‘very much improved’


first time accessing service


report challenges

Key insights

Elucid is reaching underserved beneficiaries without prior access to similar services.

55% of beneficiaries are accessing a healthcare support like that provided by Elucid for the first time. 87% also would not be able to find a good alternative to it. 25% of beneficiary households live on less than $3.65 per day, at par with the national average.

Elucid enables beneficiaries to access better quality healthcare, which improves their household health and enhances their overall quality of life.

86% beneficiaries say they access better healthcare services due to Elucid’s support. They have higher confidence in the medication they receive, find it effective, and feel empowered to ask questions about the services provided.

Beneficiaries with a shorter tenure of engagement report deeper impact than their more tenured counterparts.

Beneficiaries who have been accessing Elucid’s services for less than one year are more likely to report much better quality of health services, health of household members, and improved quality of life than more-tenured beneficiaries (>1 year, with an average tenure of 28 months).

“I can save more money now because would have been spent on healthcare and drugs, can now be put to other vital use like our farm business and the kids’ education.”

Female, 30
Beneficiaries are very satisfied with Elucid, though there is room to improve challenge resolution.

Elucid has an NPS of 68, which is excellent. The main drivers of satisfaction are no costs at point of service and all-inclusive coverage of various services. 14% of beneficiaries faced a challenge–the top issue reported are uncovered treatment costs and inconsistent card acceptance.

Beneficiaries would like to avail Elucid’s support at more healthcare facilities.

When asked about how Elucid’s healthcare support can be improved, 68% of beneficiaries had a suggestion to share. 28% of beneficiaries request for partnership with local hospitals to allow for use of healthcare cards at a broader range of hospitals.

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