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Student alumni of the I&P Education to Employment Impact programe

I&P Education to Employment Impact Report

In 2021 I&P partnered with 60 Decibels to measure the impact of its Education to Employment (IP2E) fund. Since the program's launch, 60dB has led 23 studies with 18 different education institutions, completing more than 5,000 phone interviews with alumni across three countries in West Africa.

In 2021 I&P partnered with 60 Decibels to measure the impact of its Education to Employment (IP2E) fund.

This pioneering program aims to bridge the gap between education and employment by providing funding and technical support to private higher education institutions and vocational training centers across Africa. As Africa’s youth population continues to grow, with an estimated 30 million young people entering the job market annually by 2030, the demand for quality education and employability is more critical than ever.

Since the program’s launch, 60dB has led 23 studies with 18 different education institutions, completing more than 5,000 phone interviews with alumni across three countries in West Africa.

I&P has just published the outcome of this long-term partnership in an aggregate report co-created with 60 Decibels. The report provides pioneering insights into the impact the West African higher education sector has on youth access to employment.

I&P Education to Employment Impact Report (EN)
I&P Éducation et Emploi Rapport d’impact sur l’employabilité (FR)

Very little data is accessible on this topic, and we are proud to have led this important work. We conducted phone interviews to listen directly to alumni from the education institutions supported by IP2E, to understand the impact the program has had on their lives. The data collected has provided invaluable insights into the professional journeys of these young individuals, allowing IP2E to tailor its support and interventions more effectively.

To allow for comparability of results from one study to another, we started the work by co-designing a survey tool to be used in each study. The questions we asked alumni were carefully crafted to allow them to share their experience and inform us on their current employment status.

I&P’s team played a crucial role in this partnership, including sharing detailed company briefs at the beginning of each study. This allowed our teams to better understand the specificities of each education institution and, therefore, provide more pertinent insights. This final report features aggregate results from 23 individual reports, each one providing tailored insights and recommendations to each education institution. One of the most rewarding parts of this process was seeing so many of the portfolio companies increase their focus on customer insights after seeing the results of our study.

Key Findings from the IP2E Employability Report

  • Vocational Training Outperforms Higher Education

    Vocational training graduates exhibit higher employment rates than their higher education counterparts. While these graduates may receive lower wages and fewer social benefits, they report greater job satisfaction and a more substantial improvement in their quality of life. This underscores the value of vocational education in enhancing employability.

  • Influential Inclusion Variables

    Factors such as gender, campus location, and scholarship status significantly influence employment outcomes. Men, alumni from rural areas, and scholarship recipients are more likely to secure jobs within six months of graduation. However, employment and wage satisfaction tend to be higher among women and urban alumni.

  • Economic Disparities Among Alumni

    Alumni from poorer backgrounds face greater challenges in terms of job satisfaction and compensation. They earn approximately 30% less than their peers and report lower improvements in quality of life. This highlights the need for targeted interventions to address economic inequalities and support disadvantaged alumni.

  • Program Quality and Alumni Satisfaction

    The quality of educational programs plays a pivotal role in alumni satisfaction. Higher program quality, reflected in the competence of teachers and availability of resources, leads to higher satisfaction and loyalty among alumni. Vocational training institutions, in particular, are perceived to offer higher program quality and greater satisfaction.


of alumni were currently employed


found a job within 6 months of graduation


found a job with help from their university

“The results of the studies carried out by 60 Decibels underline the importance of collecting data on professional integration and employability. This information serves both to guide investors and to improve the quality of the education sector.”

Koumba Anouma, Director of the IP2E Initiative

“The 60dB studies bring real added value to businesses. They allow them to establish a better data culture, measure their real impacts and adopt new strategic directions to maximize it. The organization deploys a technical assistance methodology adapted to the local business context”

Manuela Boma Atta, ESG and Impact Officer

The findings from the I&P Education to Employability Report offer valuable insights into how private education institutions can strategically support the development of skilled, job-ready youth – providing a roadmap for continued investment in education and a brighter future for young Africans. By focusing on the specific needs and contexts of different countries, promoting vocational training, and addressing economic disparities, stakeholders can enhance the employability and quality of life for Africa’s burgeoning youth population. We commend I&P’s commitment to social impact and the efforts their team have put in to support portfolio companies, as seen in this report.

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