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Damini Nayak

Damini is a Research Coordinator based in 60 Decibels’ India office. She has finished her graduation and masters in Psychology from LSR, DU and TISS, Mumbai respectively. Prior to joining the team she has worked as a psychologist, wellbeing coach and research associate. In her free time, she can be found sleeping, making art, dancing, […]

Damini is a Research Coordinator based in 60 Decibels’ India office. She has finished her graduation and masters in Psychology from LSR, DU and TISS, Mumbai respectively. Prior to joining the team she has worked as a psychologist, wellbeing coach and research associate. In her free time, she can be found sleeping, making art, dancing, reading, daydreaming, stalking dogs/cats or adding destinations to her travel list. She is also fond of writing and if you are lucky, you may get one of her notes/letters.

Damini by the numbers- Solo travel- 20+, Cities lived in- 7, Plants kept alive- 0, Momos eaten- Infinite

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