Giuliana Rodriguez
Giuliana is a Sales Associate at 60 Decibels, hailing from Lima, Peru. She thrives at the intersection of technology and social impact, driven by a belief in tech’s power to change lives for the better. With a strong background in startups, she’s navigated the fintech and edtech sectors, previously leading as a Product Manager at a fintech for kids. Her entrepreneurial spirit and passion for social innovation shine through in her leadership of a student-led consultancy for non-profits and her role in helping incubate four new social enterprises in Peru. Giuliana holds a B.A. in Administration from Universidad del Pacífico. When she’s not working, you’ll find her immersed in a yoga session, exploring new places, or enjoying good music and art.
Giuliana by the numbers – NGOs consulted: 5, countries visited: 17, music minutes per year: 50,000+, yoga retreats attended: 2 (hoping for more soon!)